marketing systems have evolved within the constraints and conditions placed
upon them by the production sector and by the nature of the goods being
marketed. The type of product, the number, size and density of producers, the
infrastructure and the policy and institutional environments all determine the
type of marketing system and the effectiveness with which it operates.
includes all business activities involved in the flow of goods and services
from producers to consumers.
important prerequisites to market development are: proper linkages between
rural areas and urban centres of consumption. A conducive policy
institutional environment for marketers to operate effectively and for
markets to expand beyond the basic need levels of consumers and producers. A dynamic relationship between supply and
demand. The marketing system and its
structure influence the determination of a commodity's market price.
Six main elements of price theory used to explain market prices are:
- Perfect competition
- Imperfect competition - Horizontal and vertical integrations of markets - Separation of markets -Product differentiation - Seasonal and cyclic variations. |
marketing system is comprised of a number of elements: the particular products
(e.g. butter only, or butter and raw milk) and their characteristics being
transferred from producer to consumer; the characteristics of participants
(e.g. the producer, the trader, the consumer); the functions or roles that each
participant performs in the market; and the locations, stages, timetable and
physical infrastructures involved.
we talk of describing, quantifying or analysing a particular marketing system,
there is an implicit assumption that we can distinguish the elements of that
system from other economic activities. Analyses of marketing systems usually
include a quantification of the flows and of the value added, costs and profit
margins at each stage in the system.
is sometimes thought of as simply the process of buying and selling. Its tasks
are much more extensive than this simple description. For a marketing system to
be operative and effective, there are three general types of functions which it
must provide.
• Exchange functions:
- Buying
- Selling
- Pricing.
- Assembling
- Transport and handling
- Storage
- Processing and Packaging
- Grading and Standardisation.
- Financing and Risk-bearing
- Market information
- Demand and Supply creation
- Market research.
functions are what is commonly thought of as marketing. They involve finding a
buyer or a seller, negotiating price and transferring ownership (but not
necessarily physical transfer). These functions take place at the
"market" - that is, the physical meeting point for buyers and sellers
at the point of production or via some other means of communication. At this
point, formal or informal property rights are important to ensure the reliable
transfer of ownership and to guarantee legality (e.g. that animals on sale were
not stolen and will not be reclaimed).
functions enable the actual flow of commodities through space and time from
producer to consumer and their transformation to a form desirable to the
consumer. Assemblying or concentrating the product at convenient points allows
its economical transport (i.e. getting enough animals together to transport
cheaply). This is a valuable function which is often overlooked in the public
perception of traders. Storage allows the commodity to be held until peak
season demand, thereby stabilising supply. Processing transforms the commodity
into the products desired by the consumers. Grading and standardisation allow
the consumer to be more confident of the characteristics of the good being
and risk-bearing are two important facilitating functions. The owner of goods
at any marketing stage must sacrifice the opportunity to use the working
capital needed to buy those goods elsewhere. Or the owner must borrow that
capital. In either case, capital must be provided by the trader or by some
lending source. Regardless, cost is involved. Further, there is an implicit
cost in the risk of losing all or part of that capital through theft, spoilage,
mortality or changing market conditions. Without the willingness to provide the
capital and to bear these costs, no stage of the market chain could function.
Other facilitating functions enable producers to respond to consumer needs and
thus provide goods in the locations, quantity and form desired.
functions create the marketing environment, whose elements are:
· Market and facilities - including all of
the physical infrastructure that a market may depend on.
· Market information and intelligence -
including informal and formal communication systems, and standard weights and
grades on which market information depends.
· Institutional environment - including the
government policy environment, regulations and supporting legislation
actors are defined the roles they play, by the nature of their financing
activities and their responsibility to ownership (whether to a centralised
public office, to a private purchaser of the marketing: service or
self-responsibility as in the case of independent private enterprises). Actors
in the market can choose between specialising in one activity or integrating a
number of activities into one enterprise in a vertical or horizontal manner. A
specialised enterprise can offer its customers more individual attention and
provide the exact quality and form of goods desired (e.g. local butcher). Thus,
the roles of actors are often difficult to separate. The roles of
vertically-integrated actors are likely to overlap with those of more
specialised agents in the market. Figure 5.3 illustrates how the roles of
market agents can vary.
of four types normally fulfill the roles of middlemen described above. These
· independent, locally-based private
· co-operatives
· marketing boards and other state
· transnational companies.
locally-based private enterprises operate with capital owned directly by the
operators and their partners, or in some cases by shareholders. Although not
always large in scale of operation, these make up the greatest number of
agriculture and livestock enterprises. Great variety exists in their level and
degree of sophistication. Sometimes foreign-owned operations may' occupy
important roles in this niche, particularly in foreign trade of livestock
have the potential to improve marketing efficiency. They can reduce marketing
costs. For example, a village livestock marketing co-operative could
co-ordinate the production schedules of small farmers, so that sufficient
animals would reach market age at the same time, allowing truck transport to
markets and lowering per unit transport costs. Co-operatives can also be used
to counteract imperfect competition (monopsony/oligopoly power) among buyers,
by creating greater bargaining power among producers. Typically they are used
to distribute credit or subsidised inputs. In Africa they have been more
successful when they have confined themselves at first to one' simple function
which is important to all members, attempting only later to expand their role.
In order to be successful in the long run, a co-operative must be able to carry
out marketing functions with lower cost or effort than available alternatives.
If this ability is not perceived by members, co-operatives are likely to break
down. Since the ownership of co-operatives, by definition, lies in the hands of
those who use its services (and who are thus entitled to any profits), a
distinction must be made between farmer-owned and -controlled co-operatives and
parastatals. Parastatals are co-operatives in name only, since they are
government controlled. They may serve as taxation mechanisms or to promote
government support. Private co-operatives are likely to be more efficient than
parastatals, because of ownership incentives. Some co-operatives are difficult
to classify, such as the Kenya Co-operatives Creamery (KCC). Although nominally
a private cooperative, the KCC acts as a parastatal because of
government-sanctioned monopoly and regulatory powers.
boards and other state enterprises, although popular with many African
governments, have been much criticised. They are set up by government direction
with government capital. Major operating decisions are subject to approval by
the responsible minister. Parastatals are slightly more independent. Although
government financed, they are autonomous in terms of handling funds, recruiting
staff and making operational decisions.
objectives of establishing such public intermediaries are: to raise the
bargaining power of agricultural producers via an imposed monopoly on sales;
'to set up needed market and processing facilities; to raise the scale of
operation and thus to capture economies of scale; and to stabilise market
supply and prices. They often fail to achieve these objectives because of
inappropriate policies, poor management and lack of knowledge. Attempts to
replace private markets usually fail because the detailed information necessary
to operate may be too dispersed to gather. Managers succumb to patronage and
corruption, and incentives for efficient operation are usually lacking. The
Kenya Meat Commission (KMC) was, until recently, a parastatal set up to buy and
process cattle and to market the products. Although potential economies of
scale existed, these were not achieved because capacity was under-utilised and
per unit costs were higher. Slaughterhouses built to handle peak seasonal
supply are usually under-utilised during other seasons. Parastatals with a
mandate to buy at fixed prices from all producers also suffer from high costs
of cattle purchases in pastoral areas, where such sales are widely dispersed.
companies often succeed because of their access to processing technology and
external markets. By definition, they operate in countries other than that of
their headquarters. They can assist market development by facilitating the
movement of skills and capital to areas where they are in short supply,
potentially contributing to the levelling of commercial expertise.
considering the relative advantages of each of these enterprises, attention
must be given to the particular environment of livestock marketing in Africa.
Its marketing structures are more complicated and differentiated than those in
a developed country where production is much more specialised. Further, issues
of equity and income distribution between producers are more acute and must be
considered in the policy decision to promote certain types of enterprise.
of the goods in a particular market are unlikely to pass through the same set
of agents. Usually goods pass through a variety of market channels as a result
of varying degrees of vertical integration existing in the same market. Figure
5.4 illustrates a marketing system showing multiple marketing channels. At
times, some intermediaries are bypassed, while in others, goods pass through a
large number of hands. Mote that at any one level of the market, such as at
level A, the sum of the percentage flows in the diagram is always 100. This
type of diagram can be helpful in basic planning for new investment in
marketing, by identifying both the channels where volume is highest and other
channels which could be further developed.
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